For many temporary workers the Temporary workers the perfect entry into the job of their dreams. Many workers find a way back into working life, and temporary workers can also be taken on by the user company as permanent employees. There are many advantages for the employee when they are taken on by the temporary employment agency. The temporary worker has already become acquainted with the company and can apply directly to be taken on by the company. However, it should be noted that the works council often has to agree to a transfer from temporary employment to permanent employment.

Temporary workers can do a lot to increase their chances of being taken on. The temporary worker should be punctual, loyal and motivated and, of course, enjoy his or her work. If the employee is a team player, the company will be happy to take the employee on.

This is how the transfer to a permanent position works

If a temporary worker feels comfortable in the company where he/she is working as a temporary worker and the company is also satisfied with him/her, the temporary employment agency may take him/her on. In this case, the existing contract between the temporary worker and the personnel service provider is dissolved and a new contract is concluded between the worker and the company.

Normally, the personnel service provider receives a placement fee from the company that takes on the temporary worker. This is usually based on the annual income of the temporary worker. Sometimes the temporary worker is even taken on free of charge. This means that nothing stands in the way of the permanent employment of a temporary worker.

The takeover is actually nothing more than a regular job change, only without the application process. The worker must submit a notice of termination to his/her staffing provider in due time in order to be able to change to a permanent position with the new employer. If the staffing agency does not agree to an early termination of the contract, the temporary worker must continue to work for the temporary employment agency until the end of the notice period. Only then can he or she start at the new company, provided the new contract has been signed. Sometimes the temporary worker has to have a probationary period of up to six months with his new employer, even though he has already worked in the company.

We, Zeitarbeit International, help temporary workers find their way into permanent employment. Zeitarbeit International helps you to find a permanent job in your dream job when organising the takeover.

This is what companies have to consider when taking over

If a company wants to take on a temporary worker, it has to consider a few things. With some personnel service providers, a placement fee must be paid for the employee taken over. This is usually based on the agreed salary. The commission is usually between one and three months' gross salary, but decreases with the duration of the assignment. A temporary worker may be on loan to the company for a maximum of 18 months (with some exceptions). If he works longer for the company, the employer is even obliged to offer him a permanent position. In contracts with personnel service providers, companies should make sure that no non-solicitation etc. has been agreed. This is legally ineffective - as the hirer, the company always has the option of taking on a temporary worker.

Zeitarbeit International actively supports you in taking on your desired temporary worker.

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